用藤、菅蓁或竹編的蓆子(竹床、蓆子) / matineng ci bayi misanga' tu caca'.

siwkay nu caca'


u caca' sa , nu sanga'en nu wuway saca penen. sapimabi' saca pahalhal.

sicaca' 有蓆子 / sicaca' kita i putah malikalik. 

sicaca'ay 有蓆子的 / ci Dungi dada' ku sicaca'ay i niyazu'.

u sulit nu Hulam Lipun atu Amilika




五節芒Miscanthus floridulus)又名菅蓁芒草菅芒花,是台灣及香港常見的多年生草本植物。

mat is a piece of fabric material that generally is placed on a floor or other flat surface. Mats serve a range of purposes including:

  • serving to clean items passed over it, such as a doormat, which removes dirt from the soles of shoes
  • protecting that which is above the mat, such as a wrestling or gymnastics mat, or an anti-vibration mat
  • protecting that which is beneath the mat, such as a place mat or the matting used in archival framing and preservation of documents and paintings
  • providing a regular or flat surface, such as a cushioned computer mousepad

Calameae is a palm tree tribe in the subfamily Calamoideae. Many of its members are rattans.

Miscanthus floridulusPacific Island silvergrass, is a species of perennial grass in the Poaceae family.

namakayniay a nasulitan nasakamuan atu natinengan


