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napatizeng tu kasabelih, lacul ku "== Sakizaya Wikipedia created == Hi, Vickylin, and welcome to the official Sakizaya Wikipedia! :-D All content from Incubator has been imported here now, so I..."
Vickylin77amissasukamu | paanin
silsil 3:
All content from Incubator has been imported here now, so I would appreciate it if you could help relay this information to other contributors to the Sakizaya Wikipedia in Incubator. If you need any help, feel free to ask me. The [[saayaway a belih|Main Page]] needs an overhaul now that this is an official Wikipedia, that's a good place to start. :-) [[misaungayay:Jon Harald Søby|Jon Harald Søby]] ([[pisubelidan tu kamu ni misaungayay sapimatatengil:Jon Harald Søby| sasukamu ]]) 2019年11月22日 (sakalima a demied nu lipay) 06:17 (CST)
:Hi, [[USER:Jon Harald Søby|Jon Harald Søby]]! Thank you very much. Sakizaya people knew this great news. Also, we had contacted Wikimedia Taiwan members. They will teach us how to overhaul the main page.
:In these two days, we try to use visual editor, but it seems not working.
:We really appreciate language committee's help very much, especially you, [[USER:StevenJ81|StevenJ81]] and [[user:Amire80|Amire80]]. You guys helped us a lot! Sakizaya Wikipedia case will encourage other ethnic group in Taiwan. We hope other indigenous language contributors can join Wikipedia project more actively. Thanks again!! [[misaungayay:Vickylin77amis|Vickylin77amis]] ([[pisubelidan tu kamu ni misaungayay sapimatatengil:Vickylin77amis| sasukamu ]]) 2019年11月25日 (sakacacay a demied nu lipay) 09:57 (CST)